The Next Generation

We are truly passionate about the next generation, making sure we are equipping them for life and leaving them a legacy to continue on in.

Childrens Ministry

What to Expect

We believe God has a special plan for the life of every child (Jeremiah 29:11). We are committed to helping every child understand and experience this at an early age.  We are further committed to making sure every ministry classroom is an exciting, interactive environment where all children learn about Jesus, including how they begin, build and keep a lasting relationship with Him.

Birth – 2 yrs.

Our Children’s ministry program for babies, birth through two years of age is specific to each developmental stage; Infants (birth until crawling), Crawlers/New Walkers and Toddlers (through 24 months). Each room is designed to meet the spiritual and developmental needs of babies and toddlers, all while providing a safe and playful environment for them as well.

Pre School - Elementary (Fifth Grade)

Children who attend our preschool and elementary age classrooms each week will be presented with impactful, life changing lessons from the Bible. Each lesson is designed in a creative and interactive way that helps children discover who God is and helps to build their relationship with Him. Your child can look forward to participating in energetic and interactive praise & worship and games and activities that help to support the lesson.

Our prayer is that your child will have so much fun in Children’s ministry that they will not only want to come back each week, but that they will want to bring their friends along too!


All teachers are required to submit to a thorough background check. In addition all teacher helpers must attend training.

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Teen Ministry

What We're About

Teens Logo

Teen Ministry Vision:

Our purpose is to help teenagers identify who they are in Christ and to understand their value though cultivating a relationship with Christ and then with others through acts of godly service.

Our focus is to build relationships with youth on a weekly basis that fosters the development of their own relationship with God. We do this through our Teen Coaches who lead teaching lessons with large group and small group discussions. The purpose of this format is that the millennial generation and upcoming adolescents tend to have a better understanding of learning when they are in a group format. What better way is there to learn about God than to have your peers who believe in God the way you do, there beside you, to discuss and ask questions? There is something safe and dynamic about open and honest conversations that help teenagers formulate the purpose of their lives with God. That in turn causes personal growth in Christ. It doesn’t matter if you’re a regular church-going teenager who has grown up in church since you were an infant OR if you‘ve never stepped foot into a church, you’ll leave our service knowing someone has connected with you.

The Details...

  • Teen Service is on the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of the month. Teens will experience Praise & Worship in the main sanctuary then proceed to the Teen Center for their own service.
  • The 1st Sunday is Communion Sunday at Speak the Word Church! Teens will be in the main sanctuary with their family.
  • 4th & 5th Sundays are Student Helper Sundays! Student Helper Sundays are opportunities where your teenager can serve in a ministry at STWCI and learn how to become a servant of God and help others in the church.
  • student helper application
  • We have two classes of Teen Ministry: Junior High church for the 6th-8th graders, and Senior High church for the 9th-12th graders. 
  • The Teen Ministry is both instructional and relational in the high school and junior high group. 
  • All Teen Coaches are required to submit to a thorough background check.

Teen Ministry Leaders: Pastor Tyrone & DeRelle Morrison

Interested in becoming a Teen Coach? 

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